Friday, July 15, 2011

California Pulled Back From the Brink As Gov. Brown Signs Law Mandating LGBT Education in State Classrooms

Having apparently long ago solved problems like the state's 11.7% unemployment rate and more than $40 billion in debt, California got down to the really important matters like signing legislation that requires gay and lesbian history be taught in Golden state classrooms.

The bill known as the FAIR Education act or SB48 authored by state Senator Mark Leno (D- San Francisco), was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown on Thursday. Interestingly, in 2008 voters in California approved Proposition 8- which would define marriage in the state constitution as being between a man and a woman- by a 52% margin. Prop 8 was then struck down by a gay federal judge in 2010.

At first, I thought the silver lining to this would be that the kids in California would finally learn about Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank's role in the subprime lending crisis or using his position to give an ex-boyfriend a job at Fannie Mae.

However, Sen. Leno has thought ahead and apparently the language in SB48 prohibits any materiel that 'reflects adversely' on homosexuals from being taught [call it the 'special little snowflake' provision, I guess- NANESB!]. Full implementation is not expected until at least 2013, when the revised and updated versions of California's textbooks are scheduled to come out.

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