Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lame Duck Chronicles

Well, prior to my Christmastime departure, I'm getting an earful from the mainstream media of just how gosh-darn wonderful and productive this lame-duck session of Congress has been, with passage of the START treaty and repeal of the military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy among other things.

Don't know that much about START other than it's apparently structured on a Cold War-era dynamic between the USA and Russia and doesn't address the proliferation of nukes in unstable or hostile states like Pakistan, North Korea or Iran.

The one that really grinds my gears is the repeal of DADT- decided in large part by a bunch of hacks who will be out of a job come Jan 1st. I'm not sure whats worse, the fact that the United States Armed Forces could get a few thousand more whiney, treasonous drama queens along the lines of PFC Bradley Manning signing up or the proponents of its repeal crowing about how they were really serving the will of the people barely a month after getting their asses stomped at the polls.

Never mind the situations in Afghanistan, Iraq or the Korean peninsula- apparently at this point in 2010, the most pressing matter for the US Military is the lack of openly gay recruits. I also find it quite telling that the people shouting from the rooftops (i.e. Obama, Pelosi, Frank) the loudest about this wonderful accomplishment of theirs HAVEN'T EVEN SERVED ONE DAY OF THEIR LIVES IN THE U.S. MILITARY.

Of course, this means that the left and academia will have to find new excuses to try and block military recruiters from high school and college campuses. This was not done to better the Armed Forces by any stretch of the imagination- this was done soley for the benefit of Obama's hard left base.

Hopefully the Pentagon could throw up some roadblock impeding a full repeal of DADT in the next few months. And for those of you who think I'm wrong in my assessment of the DADT repeal, I challenge you to show me where I'm factually inaccurate.

The attempt at Amnesty for illegal aliens thinly disguised as the 'Dream Act' dies in the Senate during the lame-duck sessions, although by rights that thing should've been bludgeoned, stabbed and kicked to death before it went to the House floor. Perhaps the Dream Act was a sacrificial lamb or pehaps even some of the worthless and clueless progressive hacks in the Senate realized that rewarding breaking the law and providing further incentive for more illegal immigrants to come here immediately in the wake of a Border Patrol agent being shot to death by Mexican criminals just wouldn't fly.


  1. DADT is one where the country is way ahead of the ball. Now, let's let them marry and have the same legal rights hetros have when married.

  2. Sure, let them marry. Don't worry about some one who's religous beliefs say marriage is between a man and a woman. Why not a civil union with all the same benefits? Bet you agree with the park 51 project because of religous freedom don't you Charlene? When 3 out of 4 of the Chiefs of Staff have a problem with the repeal at this time HUGE red flags should have gone up. How do a bunch of whiny assed never served one day in uniform liberals know what is better for the military than a 30+ year 4 star general?
