For some many of us, 2009 is a year that we can't wait to see come to an end. High unemployment, a crappy economy, pontificating pols jetting off to Europe or Brazil to preach about how our daily commute was melting the polar ice-caps and don't even get me started on that multi-trillion dollar turd of an entitlement program that Congress rammed through on Christmas Eve day when they thought nobody was watching.
But through it all, one should remain steadfast and resolute. Sort of like Ohio Central SD40T-2 #4025 leading a coal train down some middle-of-the-street trackage in Dresden, OH as photographed by railpictures.net contributor Chris Cook on a snowy December 2007 afternoon. Despite the slow speed of the train hauled by the #4025 and its brethern, there is no doubting who has the right of way.
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